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Backend: Wordpress, WPGraphQL, Custom Express Endpoints Frontend: NextJS, SWR, Typescript, payment gateway with Stripe Deploy: Vercel, Digital Ocean Lighthouse: 100 Performance 100 Accessibility 100 Best Practices 100 SEO

Mamalagels was built to sell custom products in a specific geolocation with a custom payment gateway. This site really shows how NextJS, SWR, Typescript work to connect content from Wordpress, payment from Stripe, and Node.JS/Express functions to generate stable HTML receipts that are accessible via a subdomain, and email correspondence via sendmail API. The Node.JS/Express functions run on the same server as the Wordpress site. Making use of these technologies together are able to create a fast accessible site, with a way to make purchases. My sister only wanted to sell in certain areas so I built a zip code checking system. Her bagel business Mamalagels needed more from the website, so during the pandemic we worked together to create purchase pathway forms that would work for her. The key with this site was increasing access by increasing performance and accessibility.

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